About Insight Benefits Group
Insight Benefits Group, LLC, is a national employee benefits and risk management firm serving professional practices, businesses, governments, labor organizations and not-for-profit groups. The firm was founded by attorneys, accountants, financial planners, IT and other professionals who had a simple vision - to provide America's small to mid-size clients with the same high quality employee benefits, executive compensation and risk management solutions previously only available to the largest of corporations.
The founders recognized that employee benefits and risk management involve complex issues for clients that require multi-dimensional analysis and solutions. Simply throwing insurance at a problem doesn't fix the underlying challenges. Employee benefits, executive compensation and risk management require a thorough understanding of the underlying issues from multiple vantage points in order to develop an appropriate solution. Small to mid-size businesses and other organizations typically cannot afford the same level of analysis engaged in by larger corporations. IBG steps up to the plate, to provide the intellectual and technological capacity that allows businesses, governments and organizations of all sizes to play in the big leagues.
Over the years our vision has held true and we have continued to expand our professional team to include health and pension actuaries, health plan administrators, economists, ERISA attorneys, former IRS attorneys, investigators and auditors. To better serve our clients we have expanded our services to include benefit plan administration, actuarial valuation reports for OPEB and Pension liabilities, proprietary benefit plan designs, health plan audits, and insurance brokerage services. In addition, we have made significant investments in technology to better serve the growing informational needs of employees, employers, and advisors.
At IBG we have one objective for our clients... Solutions. Delivered.
Recent News
June 12, 2013
Association Coverage Affected by ACA
The American Veterinary Medical Association announced earlier this year it would be ending its medical coverage for its 17,500 association members and their dependents on Dec. 31, 2013, bringing to light the issue of association coverage and how association plans could be affected by the Affordable Care Act. Read More
February 27, 2013
The Obamacare Calculator
Jay Jensen of Insight Benefits Group was featured in a podcast for Employee Benefit Advisor explaining how his new tool can help companies become more aware of the financial implications of PPACA. Read More
January 31, 2013
A Look Ahead Into How Healthcare Reform Will Impact the Insurance Industry
Jay A. Jensen of Insight Benefits Group joined a panel of featured speakers on a National Underwriter Life & Health Webcast which was held January 31, 2013. Read More
September 17, 2012
Insight Benefits Group Represented at Las Vegas Healthcare Consumerism Conference. Read More
November 8, 2011
Thatcher's Town Council unanimously votes to adopt the VAULT Plan for all Town Employees.
October 24th, 2011
STL, headquartered in Bloomington, IL elected to implement the VAULT Plan to enhance employee benefits while lowering overall costs.